Dive Gear
ABC by Cressi and MARES
good quality, fins are pretty hard, suitable in TEChnical diving, black mares fins are favorable for Frog-kick swimming – good for vacation;
for cave and lake fresh water diving YELLOW TEC fins are preferred
3 main regulators, APEKS TX100,
stage regulators 2x APEKS DS4, 2x APEKS DST,
very good quality and excellent cold water suitability, easy in maintenance (worldwide)
Wing with backplate
HALCYON stainless steel backplate “Explorer 55” ideal for double tanks configuration up to 2x18l
Alu backplate with single tank adapter and “Eclipse”perfect for 80 cft alu tanks / mono devices at holiday configuration
Since the last BOOT 2018 I own a CARBON backplate with single tank adapter which brings 500 gr less weight for travelling and of course it looks good 😉
Tank lamps + back up’s
“mb-sub” Cave with new battery pack
flooded mb-sub TwinLED is in repaired and in function again since spring 2018
Mini Cave “Archron”
a perfect compromise for cold water lake and the TEChnical diving, meanwhile both are cave tested
Back-up lights
2x “Heser2 Back-up, probably the best back-up lamp on the market, also suitable for the recreational diving, equipped with 3 Watt LED
2x Archron
Diving computers
SUUNTO “VYTEC” = good computational model, up to 3 gases, but too conservative for repetitive dives
H&W OSTC = the best-configurable option
GENZ Black Bottom timer = good for Scooter dives
Scissor by “Extreme Durable”, absolutely necessary tools in cave diving, should also cut wire, unfortunately stainless steel becomes also rusty because of mild steel springs and screws used
Cutter by “EASYCUT”
Compass SUUNTO SK7 with bungee cord fixed on my right arm
Compass MARES single unit with boltsnap + bungee cord in the leg pocket as back-up
Reels and spools
needed for save cave diving
1x primary reel + 3x fingerspools + directional arrows and Cookies on “pig tail”
1 reel with surface marker for safety stopp
Dry-suit Neoprene by “bare”, ideal system from 4 mm Crash neoprene with front zipper, unfortunately the leg pocket left and the outlet valve on the left arm is turned too far to the body which results in deflation by some body action.
Tri-Laminate and thicker undergarments comes far closer to the comforts of a crash neoprene but now after some dives I don’t really like it because the whole configuration does not give the same temperature comfort like the crash neoprene. I’s sure that I will go back to NEOPRENE suites definitely
Semi-dry-suit by “MARES”, ideal for warm water and Cenotes dives’
Under suit

Northern Diver
under suit by Northern Diver is now heavily compressed
unfortunately Weezle Extreme has not been thought through only reinforced material on the back and not the front of a front zip, Material is constantly wet through perspiration after the dive.
very expensive model but warm
Scuba Tanks
2x double 12 steel, DIR compliant configuration with valve bridge + V-Weight 3 kg + P-weight 2.5 kg
5x 80 cft, Alu stages with homemade rigging kit,
2x 2 l, 100% O2 filled as rescue kit
3 l, steel, Argon filled, by using TRIMIX in the main tank (back mount)
Filling units
Well equipped for all kind of gases needed – for my own only! –
Compressor “Bauer Junior”
Booster “Maximator”
3x 50 l Storage capacity
1x 50 l Oxygen tank
1x 50 l Helium tank
1x 50 l Argon tank
“BONEX Reference RS”, makes a lot of fun, battery burn time sufficient for long dives, the way back must be considered and calculated carefully 😉
Dive transporter
SUV, 4 wheel drive, perfect for transportation of my dive gear, theoretically suitable for off-road challenges to get access to the lakes and very fast on the track – I love it